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God Ble$$ America
The rising economic tide floats all yachts. How should Christians help everyone else?
Confronting Sudan
Western Christians and governments should press Khartoum on multiple fronts.
Hang Ten?
Thou shalt avoid Ten Commandments tokenism.
Why We Like Harry Potter
The series is a 'Book of Virtues' with a preadolescent funny bone.
Christmas and the Modern Jew
Christians often seem to lack both good missionary strategies toward Jews and sensitivity to their situation in life
Justified By Works
Yes, we are justified by works. But it's whose works that's important.
In Guns We Trust
Fear and idolatry are our real gun problem.
The Biotech Temptation
Research on human embryos holds great promise, but at what price?
The Church After Rodney King
Not violence, but indifference to the evil of race and class bias is the persistent sin of white Christians.
Abortion and the Court
In its Roe decision, the Supreme Court has clearly decided for paganism.
Why ‘Christianity Today’?
The vision that has animated this magazine from the beginning.
Evangelism and the Sacred Book
Karl Barth and Billy Graham are both rescuing the Bible from Liberalism. But their views on Scripture differ dramatically.
Vision of Sovereignty a Remedy for Tensions
We are prone to forget that God sees all time and eternity at once.
The Evangelical Witness in a Modern Medium
Behind this initial issue stands a year of prayer, of decision, of planning. (Plus: CT's first masthead)